College and Career Preparation
93% of middle school students aspire to go on to college, yet only 44% enroll. We help schools close this aspirations gap by keeping students engaged in their own education and helping them master the steps required to achieve that goal. Naviance equips students with the tools they need to successfully transition to postsecondary success—be it attending college or launching a career.
Career Exploration
Connecting students’ interests to their potential career paths early ensures active participation in their own academic success and opens their eyes to the wide world of career opportunities. The career planning tools in Naviance allow students to understand how their strengths, goals, skills, and interests can lead to exciting careers. How does Legacy PCA help our scholars picture what their future could hold, and help them create a clear and actionable path to achieve those goals? The career planning tools in Naviance help students become invested in their own goals by realizing their strengths, goals, values, and how those connect to specific careers.
Academic Planning
Early academic planning is critical to helping students achieve long-term success by aligning their interests with their chosen path. Naviance keeps students focused on their objectives by helping students, families, and staff create course plans that not only match students’ interests but also fulfill graduation requirements and align to postsecondary goals. Naviance offers academic planning tools to ensure students are on track, including creation of Individual Learning Plans. Through student, educator, and family collaboration, these tools ensure students’ plans will meet graduation requirements and satisfy entrance requirements at colleges of their choice, starting in 9th grade.
Students build confidence by trying new things, pursuing what they love, and learning from their missteps in a safe environment. Naviance is that safe place—by helping students focus on what’s strong, reflect on their interests and strengths, and explore a wide-variety of career options.
The self-discovery tools in Naviance help students develop confidence and lay the foundation for their future. By uncovering strengths and unique skills, students will see that they have potential.
Through collaboration with parents, teachers and school staff, Naviance enables students to understand themselves, the world of possibilities, and ultimately connects learning to life.